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Environmental Sustainability and ISO 14001
The urgency for environmental sustainability is greater than ever. It has been proved that drastic climatic conditions are enhancing day by day because of anthropogenic activities particularly those associated with industrialization such as deforestation, burning of fossil fuels, and agriculture.
Besides these actions, we have long been polluting the air, water, and land, which harms the biodiversity of the planet and its balanced ecology. That’s why we need a way to improve environmental quality, and it’s time to take responsibility for our activities that are degrading and negatively impacting our environment.
This can be achieved by adopting standards and implementing legislation. ISO 14001 contributes significantly in this way to achieving the aim of reducing environmental footprints. The main ISO standard for assisting enterprises in maintaining an efficient EMS (Environmental Management System) and reducing their environmental impact is commonly regarded as ISO 14001. Strategies, regulations, and improvements in accordance with an effective EMS framework can surely mitigate an organization’s impact on the environment.
ISO 14001
It was published on September 1, 1996. ISO 14001 is an international standard formulated for environmental management systems. I It offers some standards for organizations to adopt to reduce their environmental footprints. It can be adopted by any organization of any size and type, whether it is private or governmental, for-profit or non-profit.
The 17 clauses, or general standards, that make up the ISO 14001 Standard are divided into five categories and include the EMS (Environmental Management System) specification. Every clause was created to apply to a broad spectrum of organizations; hence, it is neither specific nor binding. The standards outline the system’s overall goals without prescribing the precise steps that a company must take to get there. (MacDonald, May 2005)
A List of the 17 ISO 14001 Clauses is Provided Below
- Environmental policy
- Planning
- Environmental aspects
- Objectives and targets
- Environmental management program(s)
- Legal and other requirements
- Implementation and operation
- Structure and responsibility
- Environmental Management System Documentation
- Document control
- Operational control
- Training, awareness and competence
- Communication
- Emergency preparedness and response
- Checking and corrective action
- Monitoring and measurement
- Non-conformance and corrective and preventive action
- Records
- Environmental Management System audit
- Management review (MacDonald, May 2005)
- Planning
By using ISO 14001, we cannot resolve all global sustainability problems, but it can help any firm mitigate its environmental impacts and use natural resources more efficiently and prudently.
Sustainable Business
After the Rio Earth Summit, the idea of sustainable development arose because of anxiety about the impacts of unrestrained economic growth on the environment and global societies.
According to Brundtland
“Sustainable development is defined as “development that satisfies current needs while maintaining the capacity of future generations to satisfy their own needs.”.
For sustainable business practices, it is important for an organization to formulate strategies to address environmental problems. This issue can be resolved or business sustainability can be achieved by using ISO 14001, an international standard that offers a framework for productive Environmental Management systems.
Sustainable production is described as follows by the Lowell Centre for Sustainable Production (LCSP):
“The production of products and services via non-polluting processes and systems, energy and resource conservation, economic viability, safety and health for workers, communities, and customers, as well as social and creative rewards for all workers.” (Velva, December 2001)
The Environmental Implications of Business
The ways in which an organization interacts with its environment refer to the environmental implications of that business.
Air emissions
Waste generation
Effluent release to water
Effluent discharge to land
Exhausted use of natural resources
Organizations can use the management tools provided by the entire ISO 14000 family to improve their environmental effectiveness and regulate environmental factors.
When used together, these tools can yield substantial, measurable economic gains.
Less usage of raw materials and resources
Less utilization of energy
Usage of recoverable raw material
Recovery of generated waste
ISO 14001 and Sustainable Business
ISO 14001 alone cannot achieve sustainability goals, but it can provide a framework through which an organization can mitigate its impact on the environment while fulfilling the demands of its customers. Implementing ISO 14001 may assist a business in achieving the goals of its environmental management system, which is advantageous for the environment, the business, and third parties. It provides some ways and methods for a firm to follow to achieve its goal of sustainability.
The most important method that is accepted and adopted globally is the 4R strategy. The 4R strategy includes reducing, reusing, recycling, and recovering. Through the 4R strategy, any organization cannot only attain sustainability but also cut down on waste dumping and landfilling expenses. The Recovering process reduces the amount of waste disposal and, in this way, eliminates the need for landfilling and cuts down the cost of landfilling. Also, the expenses of energy consumption can be cut down through incineration.
As the most important ISO standard for assisting enterprises in managing an efficient EMS (Environmental Management System) and consequently reducing their environmental impact, ISO 14001 is widely acknowledged. ISO 14001 can lower environmental consequences through planning, reviewing, and enhancing organizational actions. ISO 14001 provides prospects for integrating sustainable concepts into decisions.
The goal of ISO 14001 is to systematically support enhanced sustainability through pollution prevention. It does this by developing an environmental management system (EMS). Environmental, economic, and social aspects of an organization’s operations are being pressed upon with growing ferocity these three factors are frequently acknowledged as the foundations of sustainability. It provides a policy for the sustainable development of a firm.
Benefits of ISO 14001
Organizations cannot adopt ISO 14001 for sustainability alone; it also benefits them economically. Here are some reasons why a business should obtain ISO 14001 certification, aside from the obvious advantages for the welfare of humans and the environment.
Environmental legislation: ISO certification facilitates an organization’s adoption of the legal framework implemented by the government and meeting legal necessities related to environmental sustainability.
Cost analysis: By putting ISO 14001 into practice, organizations can save a lot of money by using resources more efficiently, producing less waste, and using less energy. Many studies have demonstrated that ISO 14001 has a positive relationship with the economy as it helps an organization enhance its finances in many ways. The initial implementation cost of ISO is very high, but after adopting it,
Enhance status an organization’s commitment to environmental stewardship is indicated by ISO 14001 certification, which improves the organization’s standing with stakeholders, clients, and the general public. ISO 14001 could benefit businesses by giving those options for “green” lobbying, government projects, and participation in international scientific bodies.
Comparative Benefit: By showcasing a proactive attitude toward sustainability, luring environmentally sensitive clients, and creating new business opportunities, ISO 14001 certification can give organizations an advantage in the marketplace.
Risk Administration: ISO 14001 gives businesses the ability to recognize and reduce environmental risks, averting potential mishaps and lessening their damaging effects on the environment.
Employees Interaction: Implementing ISO 14001 promotes an understanding of the environment, which raises staff morale and engagement. Besides, it provides a way for the training of employees associated with this field in order to engage them so they acknowledge their role. Also to know environmental aspects in case they do not perform their duty.
Influence Tn The Efficacy of The Organization
The majority of studies came to the conclusion that there is a link between improved organizational performance and the use of ISO 14001 methods Facilities that more thoroughly incorporated ISO 14001 into their daily operations were more likely to report higher improvements in environmental performance after receiving certification. In comparison to individuals who had a lower level of integration, more people were inclined to say that ISO certification helped their organization improve.
The fuel, oil, and natural gas economy is exemplified by ISO 14001, which offers the development of numerous internal processes to facilitate and increase organizational performance Companies using this sort of standard claim strong organizational performance despite the high cost of adopting environmental certification, as they employ strategies and cultures that improve the cost-benefit analysis of organizational performance and the environment.
Barrier Recognition
The ISO 14001 planning process does not include a step for identifying obstacles that can make it difficult for strategies to be implemented. An organization is able to clearly identify a variety of internal and external barriers that may prevent it from completely eliminating its participation in system condition violations during this stage of the process and develop plans to overcome them.
ISO 14001 provides a complete way for any organization not only to implement rules for sustainable development but also to know what barriers lie in the implementation of these strategies. With its help, a company can know where it lies in the completion of its objectives. In what ways it is impacting the environment and in what ways it can mitigate its influence.
Author detail:
1Esha Arshad
1Department of Environmental Sciences, Government College University Faisalabad
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