5 March 2025

Contaminated water and poor sanitation

Muneer Hussain1, Nazir Hussain2

Department of Eastern Medicine, Government College University Faisalabad1

Department of Pharmacy, University of Karachi2

Contaminated water

Progress was made in global sanitation, with 54% managing to have safe sanitary services. However, above billion individuals lack basic facilities for sanitation, leading to issues such as open defecation and improper wastewater treatment. Poor sanitation contributes to the transmission of diseases like cholera, dysentery, and typhoid, impacting physical health and hindering social and economic development. Unsafe water and inadequate sanitation account for a significant global burden of disease and deaths.

Approximately 2 billion people globally use Water contaminated with feces, resulting in waterborne diseases that claim nearly 1 million lives each year. Environmental factors, agricultural practices, and improper waste disposal contribute to water contamination. Diseases caused by unsafe water, such as diarrhea, cholera, and hepatitis, are significant global health concerns. Effective prevention and control strategies are necessary to improve public health.


In 2020, approximately 4.2 billion people, accounting for 54% of the worldly masses, managed to get better sanitary facilities, marking significant progress in global sanitation (Bhowmick et al., 2020). However, a staggering 1.7 billion individuals still lacked basic sanitation facilities, with 494 million resorting to open defecation in unsanitary conditions(Kumar & Gurung, 2015). The World’s 10 percent population relies on food irrigated with contaminated water, which causes health risks (Yan et al., 2021).

The consequences of poor sanitation extend beyond physical health, impacting human well-being and hindering social and economic development (Corburn et al., 2020). An inadequate sanitary system (contaminated water) contributes to the transmission of diarrheal diseases (Nichols et al., 2018). It exacerbates stunting in children and fuels antimicrobial resistance, a global health concern (Adesogan et al., 2020).

Globally, usage of the contaminated water is high in Africa and Southeast Asia facing the highest incidence rates (Chaúque & Rott, 2021). Waterborne diseases claim nearly 1 million lives annually, affecting an additional 37.7 million people. Almost 11 percent of global pediatric  mortality  caused because of diarrheal diseases, with 88 percent due to unsafe water and poor sanitation (Pal et al., 2018). Access to safe, affordable, and readily available drinking water is crucial for public health. Safe water should be free from pathogens, and harmful chemicals, and have a pleasant taste. Addressing these challenges is vital to improving public health outcomes globally (Dinka, 2018).

Contaminated water sources

Different contaminated water systems have been linked to increased occurrences of foodborne infections (Weller et al., 2020). Surface waters in areas where agriculture and animal husbandry are practiced often contain Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Salmonella. Listeria monocytogenes, for instance, has been found in surface water near dairy farms (Balali et al., 2020). Groundwater pollution can result from septic tank leakage, seepage, or inadequate sewage treatment.

Bacteria can contaminate wells either open or partially sealed (Pal et al., 2018). Natural disasters can also affect water sources, allowing rodents, insects, animals, or plant matter to enter wells and contribute to contamination (Tudi et al., 2021). Wells lacking a watertight sheath can be vulnerable to bacterial infiltration through the surrounding soil (Sasakova et al., 2018). Fecal waste, irrigation chemicals like insecticides and improper chemical disposal, and floods and other natural events can all contaminate water (Pal et al., 2018).

Discharges from organisms, as well as from industries like paper, pulp plants, and tanneries, introduce organic materials that decompose, depleting water bodies of oxygen (Ilyas et al., 2019). These findings highlight the importance of addressing environmental factors and implementing proper sanitation measures to safeguard water sources (Sacolo et al., 2018). Awareness and preventive measures can help reduce the occurrence of foodborne infections and protect the quality of drinking water (Ramirez‐Hernandez et al., 2020).

Burning Health issues due to contaminated water

Pathogenic microorganisms in drinking water (contaminated water) are the main contributors to waterborne disease burdens. Notable waterborne diseases include diarrhea, cholera, shigella, typhoid, hepatitis A and E, and poliomyelitis (Cissé, 2019). In 2012 diarrhea contributed 3.6 percent of the world diseases alone (Cissé, 2019). Collecting and reporting waterborne diseases pose challenges for healthcare systems in many countries. Consequently, globally reported figures often underestimate the true incidence of these diseases (Mukhopadhyay et al., 2018). By prioritizing prevention and control strategies, communities can mitigate the health risks associated with contaminated water and enhance public health outcomes (Organization, 2020).

Essential objectives for the required transformation

To tackle the issues concerning health, environment, and climate change, it is crucial for governments, societies, and individuals to collectively reimagine our lifestyles, work practices, production methods, consumption patterns, and governance systems (Alam, 2022). This shift necessitates emphasizing addressing the underlying causes of health and environmental challenges, and the factors, through an inclusive and comprehensive approach spanning all sectors (Edelman & Kudzma, 2021).

This approach should be guided by a public health framework, supported by effective governance mechanisms and strong political determination, and tailored to each country’s unique circumstances. The health sector must adopt a fresh role in spearheading this transformation, promoting sustainable and fair practices, and advocating for a just transition (Organization, 2020).

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 1: The first strategic goal is to amplify efforts in addressing the underlying factors influencing health outcomes to protect and enhance health within the framework (Di Marco et al., 2020).

STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 2: The second strategic goal is to take comprehensive and collaborative measures to address the factors affecting health across all sectors and policies, ensuring a holistic approach to improving health outcomes (Alcaraz et al., 2020).


In conclusion, we can find out a substantial gap in access to basic sanitation facilities, with millions of people still practicing open defecation and a significant portion lacking safe drinking water. The consequences of poor sanitation extend beyond physical health, impacting overall well-being and hindering social and economic development. Waterborne diseases, including diarrheal disease, cholera, and typhoid, continue to pose a significant burden on global health, resulting in millions of deaths annually.

The reported numbers of the waterborne disease often underestimate the true incidence due to challenges in data collection and reporting. Addressing environmental factors and implementing proper sanitation measures are essential to safeguard water sources and protect public health. By implementing comprehensive prevention and control strategies, we can mitigate the health risks associated with contaminated water and strive for better global health outcomes.


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